Monday, April 4, 2011

Preppin' the Smoothie.

Some people prep the coffee before they go to bed, so it is ready when they wake up. Not a coffee drinker here but I do prep my smoothie. My mom and dad gave me this great Christmas gift. It's a blender for one. The night before, I make my smoothie and put it in the fridge. It looks like this. Notice the yogurt, milk, oats, spoonful of peanut butter and protein powder  kind of layered in there? Then I go to bed.

The next morning, I quickly add some ice and put that container on the blender base.

Blend it for 30 seconds and then I take THAT cup with me out the door. It's been pretty life-changing, I must say. Easy peezy. Thanks mom and dad!


  1. Love it! I also have the same blender - which is also VERY affordable as far as blenders go!|B00065L6CU&CPNG=appliances&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B00065L6CU&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001

  2. oats? like oatmeal oats? I am curious. How does that work?
