Friday, June 15, 2012

It must be Tuesday

I got married almost 6 months ago and couldn't be happier about who I married. He is all kinds of wonderful. Prior to tying the knot, I essentially lived alone for well over a decade with the exception of the occasional roommate who needed a place to land for a few months and very cute 2 year old who settled in for about a year and a half. All my roommates (Michelle, Becca, Anna, and Jessica) including the little one, Alfonso, were great roommates for lots of reasons and it didn't hurt a bit they they were also organized. I kind of like that. You've probably noticed.  Actually, I don't care so much if you are organized until it starts to seep into my space. Then, I care.

So, now I share a home with my husband who is  not neurotic normal in this area. He actually is very loving in that sometimes he gently challenges me with the hard questions about whether something needs to be done right then. It really does help slow me down, reflect and turn off auto pilot. However, at the end of the day, I am just made this way--to love order.  I make no apologies for it and most of the time, feel like it serves our marriage. He would agree. But, he serves our marriage too. Here's just one example that happened several weeks ago.

Back Story: Here's a glimpse of our dining room.

Here is a glimpse of our dining room on a recent Tuesday night. How do I know that it is Tuesday night? Because the window is showing me darkness and there are two of Joe's suit jackets on the back of the dining room chairs.

Monday: deposit suit jacket here at the end of the work day
Tuesday: deposit suit jacket here at the end of the work day
and so it goes...

Reflect on the rest of the room. Ordered beyond reason, really. And then the suit jackets. It's funny because as much as I don't love it, I kind of do. I love that I am married and suit jackets are a part of my life. I love that my neuroses has not driven him to be nervous in our home about where his stuff lands. I am blessed to remember that he has a great job that he loves. Mostly, it just reminds me that this our OUR house and no longer mine. Something I have been waiting to come to pass for years.

But to add icing to the cake--this will make you adore him:

I asked Joe on a Thursday night if he wanted to have dinner inside or out. He looked into the dining room and saw the four suit jackets (4=Thursday, you know the drill) and thought for a minute. Then, he turned to me and in a loud whisper pointed to the dining room and said, "Not in there, they are having a board meeting." 

Then I just die laughing and nothing else really matters.

(I asked him if the board meeting might be over by the time my parents visited that weekend and he said he thought it would.)