Friday, June 22, 2012

Grow something and eat it

This weekend we had a chance to visit my parents. It was Father's Day weekend, so that made it a bit more special.

I talk about couponing a lot and saving money at the store, but honestly, there are better ways. Here's what my mom and dad do:

My parents grow corn, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers and green beans. That's 12 rows of vegetables, 80 feet long. Last year, my dad did the math and realized that if he would have bought all of those vegetables at the store, he would have spent about $2,000.  The cost (not including his labor) to grow the garden was about $125, which includes plants, seeds, fertilizer and insecticide.  That is something.

Now, I realize that is just not possible for everyone. My friend Amanda writes a blog and here is a post she wrote about their new garden. Actually, she has written several posts, so if you go to her blog and hit the "our garden" tag, be ready to be inspired. Here's my favorite picture from her garden posts:

Maybe, that is more your speed? Or space? Or skill? 

And then there is our garden:

One basil plant.

Can  you believe that I am the daughter of the man who grew the first garden you saw? I'd like to blame it on the fact that our back yard gets very little sun, but my dad would know better and since he reads this, I better not.

At the end of the's the point. Grow SOMETHING and eat it. Even if it is just one little plant. It really will make you happy.

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