Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday Weed Out: Under the Bed Critters

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 It's Wednesday and that means it is time purge your house of things that you don't need. When was the last time you looked under the beds in  your house?  Today, pull it all out and make a decision.

If that space is for long term storage, ask yourself: 1. How are these things fairing? 2. Do I still need them? 3. Do I need to rethink their storage containers to maintain their well-being?

If that space has things you shoved under the bed when the doorbell unexpectedly rang, then return those things to their  home.  While your there, give it a quick vacuum.  Anything to help us breathe better!

Again because we don't get crazy too much on this blog...I thought it would be fun to see some other beds out there!Scroll down!

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1 comment:

  1. You totally need that hamburger bed in your house :)
