Friday, March 11, 2011

Sticking To It

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There is a lot of sophisticated software out there to help people track their spending. I don't use it but I understand that they link up to your credit and debit cards and categorize expenditures. Apparently, they are very fancy. With a few exceptions, I don't believe in spending a lot of money to save a lot of money. I use this receipt stick. I think it cost $4.99.

Every time I buy something I just punch the receipt through my handy stick and there is no chance of the receipt getting lost. Once a week, I enter the expenditures into a simple excel spreadsheet that I created so I can see how much I spent that week, in total and also categorically. Depending on how many receipts I have it takes about 5-10 minutes. If you are married, this is a simple way to track your spending as a family. You both use the receipt stick.

Living consciously.  Easy peezy.


  1. Blog is looking good girl! ( :
    I used - it links with your credit and debit cards but is 100% free and definitely user friendly... ( :
