Thursday, March 24, 2011

Never Throw Out Food Again and Save $1200 Annually: Part 2

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I promised you  a few more tips to help you avoid wastefulness in your kitchen. Remember that, according to Timothy Jones*, food expert, the average american family fhrows away at least $1200 in food each year.*cite:

Plan Your Meals: Taking inventory of what you have before you head off to the store and plan meals around these items will eliminate most waste.  I love this site for meal planning: . If you tell the site the grocery store where you shop, it will actually tell you if any of the ingredients in their recipes are on sale!

Strange meal combinations: Nobody said that you can’t eat a bowl of cereal (because the milk will expires soon) with  a garden salad (to avoid tossing the lettuce). The result is the same…getting full! Kids will love  "Silly Supper".

Summer Herbs: Every summer make sure you have herbs growing in some pots out back. You may have a few ingredients you need to eat quickly and fresh herbs will often round out the meal.

Unpacking the Grocery Bags: Separate chicken, ground beef, etc as soon as you get home from the store into portion sizes that you typically use. Freeze portion sizes and write the expiration dates on them with a sharpie.

Challenge Yourself: Eat what you have for as long as you can. How many days can  you to without going to the store? Tell us how the challenge work by commenting to this post. As one of my clients said, “I thought it was good enough to eat when I bought it!”

1 comment:

  1. A couple years ago, when Laura (my roommate) was low on cash and high on time due to getting laid off, she started a blog called the Unemployed Lunch. The premise was making yummy lunches with what she had and only buyinga few ingredients. The majority of her meals ended up being amazing- but Laura's naturally a great chef.
