Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This week at the store

You know how they say "don't try this at home"? That's pretty much how I feel about entering drugstores. You should not enter a drugstore unless you know what you are doing. As a rule, things are not cheap.  Today, I saw a 12 pack of soda for $6.49. That is about $4.00 more than I would ever imagine paying for a 12 pack. Thanks to my mama, I know what I am doing in a drugstore. Here's a post from a while ago that is a mini lesson on how you can conquer the drugstore.

I had to pick up a prescription this morning at CVS and we needed some vitamins. Knowing I would need to wait for the prescription, I got my coupons ready and the extra carebucks I had and off I went to the store with my plan. It took 3 separate transactions, but when it was all said and done, I got this:

The toothbrushes were buy one get one free and I had coupons for each of them. Acutally, my dentist gave me those coupons! The gum-I had one coupon and you got $2.00 in extra care bucks for buying them. The vitamins and moisterizer-more coupons for each. If I would have paid full price for just those 6 things, I would have paid $41.60. That's really hard to believe. Instead, I spent. $16.83. Considering that just the vitamins cost almost  $12.00, I felt good about that.

Glad we got the toothbrushes cuz that's a lot of gum.

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