Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Being with your kids and still making a little income

Moms are great. Why they don’t let moms run the pentagon is beyond me. A lot more would get done, that’s for sure.

I  learn so much from the many mom friends with whom I share life. Lately, I have been thinking about this mom that I know whose summer job is running the snack bar at the pool her family visits. She is a  facebook friend and I enjoy her posts about the shenanigans of doing that. The thing that I appreciate it is that this woman graduated with a degree in creative writing from JMU, so she’s not slouch. She is an extremely talented artist and a very bright woman. She works at the pool to be near her kids during the summer. Her kids are a bit older, so they can navigate the pool independently. Why not get a job at the pool? You are already there, right? You are with your kids AND providing for your kids, in this case their private school tuition. Brilliant. Again, this woman ought to be running the pentagon.

It made me start thinking about other jobs like that-jobs that allow you to be with your kids. My other friend took a medical transcription job that she could do at home when her children were babies and slept a lot. She would edit/transcribe medical documents that were sent to her electronically. She never had to leave her home to make money.

Working at a swimming pool when your kids are toddlers might get you thrown in jail. But, if you consider being where your toddlers are, isn’t that in your car? I feel like so many moms tell me that they have to leave the house 1x/day during that stage of their child’s life so that their house will not self –destruct. Consider a  personal assistant job. Find a bachelor who needs his dry cleaning picked up 1x/week and his errands run and do that while you are out and about running your own. Or google “virtual assistants” and get matched with someone through a virtual assistant company. 

I have two other friends who have part-time jobs away from their home, so they work opposite days and then babysit the other’s kids when they are not working. No money is exchanged-it’s just an even swap.

Could you tutor or be a reading helper at your child’s school? Lots of local schools hire folks to do odd jobs or paraprofessional jobs around their school. You work when your kids are in school and are around for them when they are home.

And then there are you who are reading this and rolling your eyes because you work because you need a break outside the home. By all means, put on your suit and high heels and get to work!  These are just ideas for those of you who need to stay close by your little ones, but are looking for a little extra income.

What great ideas have you come up with? Calligraphy for a bride's wedding invitations? Tutoring the neighborhood kids while your kids are napping?

1 comment:

  1. i take freelance writing jobs and sell knitting.
    but i'm mostly commenting because i appreciate your note about how getting out of the house and working is a nice break from kids :)
