Monday, April 9, 2012

I had no idea

Last week, I needed to buy a wedding gift and this particular bride and groom have registered at Bed Bath and Beyond.

First stop was to Kroger to buy the gift card that I would use to pay for the purchase. (Kroger was giving 4x the gas points on any gift card purchase last week.) I don’t frequent Bed Bath and Beyond for lots of reasons, so I didn’t know about this new thing they have going on (apparently it is not in every store yet).

I know they offer free gift wrapping. I want my gift wrapped, for sure. I never want to wait in line for them to do it. Therein lies the rub.

Until now.

You can wrap the presents yourself.  See the boxes?

And the scissors, paper and ribbon?

Why can't I have one of these in my house?

And if you are really in a hurry, at least grab a box with your purchase. Apparently they are free!

1 comment:

  1. Also keep in mind that those coupons you get in the mail for BB&B never expire (they say they do but the stores take them) and you can use as many as you want with a purchase (i.e. if I buy 5 items, I use 5 coupons). You just gotta figure out the right mix of 20% off and $5 off.
