Writing a blog is tricky. You never want to sound like…”let me tell you about me" and yet you wanta tell stories that get people thinking, excited, inspired. I am constantly asking my friend to read a potential post and asking him…”Does it sound like I am bragging in any way?” And let’s be honest... if I am bragging about coupon usage, I should try to rev up my life a bit, don’t you think? I mean, seriously.
Anywhos….here’s a different way to look at it. When I looked at my cupboard this week, I didn’t really need much, but I had two rain checks for Wisk ($2.99 each) hanging out in my purse that I needed to use before they expired. I also needed another fruit item to get me through the week. So, I had a short list:
Strawberries: $2.16
Wisk : $2.99 subtract $1.00 printable coupon = $1.99
Wisk : $2.99 subtract $1.00 printable coupon = $1.99
Pretax Total $6.14
I ended up spending $9.29 total that day. The reason I spent a few more dollars was because there were so many free things!
Things on the left were free and things on the right I paid for:
5 packets of Kool-aid! (Enter sweet nephews enjoying that)
Carefree Product
4 Nestle Candy Bars (don’t judge unless you have never bought a candy bar!)
2 Suave Deodorants
A Power Bar, Protein Plus bar and a Pure Protein bar
I bought 6 energy bars. I had coupons for buy one get one free. They were on sale for $1.00, $1.00 and $1.25, And yet when the coupons were swiped, instead of taking away $1.00, $1.00 and $1.25 to subtract the free part of Buy One Get One Free, the coupons scanned $2.39, $1.99 and $1.00. I guess that the coupons scan the original price of the item. So, all in all, I got 6 bars for $1.13!
The additional $1.06 was spent on a Suave deodorant. I had a coupon for $2.00 off 3 Suave products. Since they were on sale for $1.06, the first two were pretty much free but I had to commit to 3.
So, that is how it went down this week. A short list out of the gate but decided to spend a few more dollars, in order that a lot of it could be free. What are your stories?